Fw: Spanish Honor Society

From: AYLEEM BETANCESLEE <BETANCESLEEA@scsk12.org> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 11:49 AM To: MATTHEW M HERNANDEZ <HERNANDEZMM@scsk12.org> Cc: NACOLE V ESPADA <ESPADANV@scsk12.org> Subject: Spanish Honor Society Dear Spanish Honor Society, Welcome to the school year 20-21. We are looking forward to AWESOME START counting with your input and participation. We will create and sustain a Group Me for immediate announcement and communication that you will be added. Here is the information about the meeting the activities selected for the following events during this fall. Hispanic Heritage Month 2 our members want to participate in the Frida Kahlo Visual Contest on October 5th-9th Day of the Death Our next meeting will be about creating a Mini float to represent the school. Request permission to the school for the parade and obtain parents' wa...